Just like CRNDLSM had 5 albums in 50 songs so does Ellís Luiz, so this 5th album is 2 songs (still a prime number). So most of ellís Luiz is improvised, I thought a neat gimmick would be to take one random verse from this names song and say it during a random instrumental during a live show, then accumulate 1 minute exerpts from each of those live takes and make this entire names song, for the album. So here is sort of that whole idea as performed in a bedroom over a period of a few weeks. I did manage to record the first four lines during a live show at super happy fun land, but that’s the only one.
John to me was always the regular guy,
also known as Johnny, Johnny boy, JB, JC,
and when I thought I was real cool, JBZ.
Never Jonathon, though I don’t know why.
Once I told a girl my middle name
she called me Vincent exclusively,
but Vincent was frail and weak to me,
a symbol of my secrets and shame.
Had I been named David Crandall instead,
Good ole Dave, that would have been great,
Id really fit the personality traits.
‘Beloved’ by all even after I’m dead.
Nobody has to know about the devil
who argued with me every single day,
torturing me, reflecting me, I called him Ray;
he represented everything in me evil.
Vincent David Ray personified all of my problems,
so as a fictional character of my mind,
I built a huge complex story line
to conjure him into reality, and kill him.
I met Jesus during all this and give him full credit
for being alive and finishing the project
But now I don’t think I showed him the respect
he deserves, I wrote him into my work and regret it.
Nice of me to include my wife Lyzz.
Or Elizabeth, in one of my songs
Writing about real people feels wrong
Because when they change, not if, it is what it is.
C R N D L S M started as a joke in high school
In response to shirts passed out at a rally,
Saying ‘i agree with Trevor and Sally’.
‘I agree with Crandallism’ is not really searchable.
Ellís Luis is pronounced Jeez Luiz
I was still writing music when crndlsm completed.
With a new style a new name was needed,
A clever way to hide my god complex subtleties
Nick was a real person too, I wrote one
about him for each of my personas.
I edited out his name to be anonymous
but then he died, drowned, gone.
Terrible, I believed any real person I wrote about
Charlie, moe, erica, my dad, others in my life
Died or left for good. Except my daughter and wife
I swear no manifestation, it just freaks me out.
Crandall is a decent name, I have to spell it everytime
for people, It’s also a few famous Mormons
So now and then I have those conversations,
I did write a whole song about it, pretty fun rhyme.
Really though most of my favorite artists
change their name. Robert Zimmerman
Stefani Germanatta. Prince Rogers Nelson.
It doesn’t seem just smart, it’s the smartest.
And even all through history, some essential,
Saul to Paul, mata hari, Gerald Ford,
The power behind any word is like a sword
And we strive to live up to our full names potential
Now I need a new name. I’ve put on shows
As each artist individually, and my biggest fans
Can’t keep track of who I am, all of my plans
Have pulled through, it’s like no one knows.
Do I just stop writing and performing?
What if it’s because I didn’t kill the demon?
What if it’s this new character I made, Steven?
The bees in my mind are swarming.
A serious amount of stress between work and home
and the number of alter egos I’d already recognized
Realized none of them had been feminized,
And now Gianna wants to be in this poem
Lately I’m fed up with all of it. But I’m still obsessing.
Every failed attempt, what seem like wasted efforts
Is vital truth, only the indifference hurts,
It’s no one’s fault though, we know God isn’t guessing.
Long story short someone gave me a name, it’s not very
good, kinda dumb, easy to spell, they’d laugh for
if it’s real or fake, so it stays with them after…
I’m gonna change my name to Jiminy Cranberry!