
Click here to go to studio version

This song is about the girl, the ‘muero’ quote is from Teresa of Avila.  This whole album I really push myself to use the acoustic guitar like a drum, 27 years old still angry at the world.  In purgatorio this would be ‘pride.’

Malice, the urge to kill, the only F bomb in all of CRNDLSM, so sweet.

Playing bars I thought the lazy drunks could use an educational motivational track. What’s the cure for sloth? Exercise? Learn your ABCs.

This is 1000% the hardest song I’ve ever attempted, for the album I record a reciting of the story, then record the guitar part over it.  I’ve only survived this whole performance twice and I don’t consider this to be one of those times.  One time I wrote it out and had someone else read while I played and it took 45 minutes cause he was drunk.  I usually just drop the guitar and tell the story straight.  Everytime I try it’s different cause there’s so many details I don’t know what’s going to come out, one of these times I’m trying to get someone else to play music while I tell the story, but they usually just want to hear the story.  All of the things here did happen except for the 18 wheeler bit, because this is a dream I piled all the stories together in one long prodigal son type deal because according to Dante prodigality counts for avarice.  Whenever there’s kids around I leave out the mushrooms, one time I added an aristocrats bit to be extra gross.  The coda is a secret song at the end of the album about the 18 wheeler but I’ve moved it to the end of the 5th album because they all tie together anyway.

One time I wrote a poem and gave it to a girl and got a girlfriend that way, so years later when I was lonely I wrote this to give to a girl and it did not go well.  I don’t remember what the cure for lust is but math works pretty well.  

So Virgil can’t go to heaven and trades Dante off to mother Mary, I spent a good deal of time doing rosaries and wrote a song for my own mom cause you know god-complex, messianic delusions all that.  I figured the album needed another mandolin for balance.

Last song on the third album, I used to have a secret song after this but I moved it to the end of the fifth album.  Only 14 more songs between 2 albums to go so CRNDLSM is almost over then I’ll start Ellís Luiz.  This song is waking up from the dream, sound effects and percussive playing I try to sound as electric as possible.  If you made it this far I hope you’ve enjoyed it,

Knight (studio version)

1. Air, Wind, Tree

2. Muero

3. Verba Vana/Rhymmrhea

4. Ugly Bug Song

5. Qwerty

6. So Long: Secret Coda

7. On A Mighty Pita

8. X=f(u)^n

9. Memorare Day

10. Zap!!!