I mentioned I already had an outline growing. I had a friend I would jam at his warehouse a few weekends and record with another guy, mostly short 1 minute riffs, occasionally a 3 minute jam. I tried to motivate them into making a band by taking all those recordings and editing them into these Ellís Luiz albums (no vocals), then it would be easy to learn them and actually be a band. It never panned out, but I used those recordings as the starting place for the solo Ellís Luiz I turned into. Houston had an art crawl event where people hit up pubs and art galleries downtown, super happy fun land scheduled me to play as both artists, so I used my set as a ‘battle of the bands’ CRNDLSM v Ellís Luiz, the votes may have been rigged, but I had another album to add to the list.
All these patterns, the instrumentals on all the albums in order make a zig zag (end, middle, beginning, middle, end, middle, and now the beginning). So original.
More self referential garbage, something about song 2, plus I focus a lot more on turning poems into songs, this was my first rondelet, CRNDLSM made forms to fit music, Ellís Luiz makes music to fit forms, on top of the improvisations.
Must be brilliant.
They tell me this all the time, I
must be brilliant.
How do I stay so resilient?
I just want to make you sigh, my
words always end up in rhyme, I
must be brilliant.
Must be genius…
They all say I’m crazy so I
must be genius.
Ey, por qué me llaman greñas?
Por favor, deme queso, why
do I sound like Jacques Cousteau? I
must be genius.
Simply gifted!
I don’t have to puff paint primer, I’m
simply gifted.
Listening may leave you grifted.
Words are cheap, nickel and dimed, I’m
ending lines with rhyme enzymes, I’m
simply gifted!
I forgot what this kind of poem is called, anagram? I was going for ‘combustible’ highly reactive, wild fires. One of my favorites to play live, even ‘easy’ songs are stressful though cause I don’t know what I’m gonna do exactly and hope I don’t forget the words.
Flow like open-window flames
licking on white fingertips, lit
opaque. Whirling fire lurches onward
without fear, leading old woods
from long overdue winds.
Ring in new goals rising.
Idle nimbuses gather rain intermittently.
Next-generation roots inch nearer
greener ranges, indigenous noble gods
righteously ignited, naked, growing.
Sure fire sounds like sulfur, no real time signature. Aes Freighlies
“Sure as fire, it’s hazardous!
Elemental purifier.”
“Someone’s gonna pay for this.”
“Someone always does, sure-fire!”
“When it rains, the pollutants in the atmosphere will drain-“
“Don’t start talking ’bout mutants!”
“I’m serious, acid rain!”
“This conversation’s over!
Waking up the crack o’ dawn to start this shit, moreover,
call your employer a con?!”
“I’m not saying anything!”
“That’s right! Now you got one shot to prove it, are you going to join us or what?” “I’m not!”
“Sure as fire, I’ll kick your ass! Cook you in your own stir fryer…” “Wait! You know I kiss your ass,” “That’s right! You sure do, sure-fire!”
I am focusing more on poem forms with Ellís Luiz but improv is also a core characteristic, so this is just some chill looping. Manganese is an essential element, hard yet brittle, tell me that you need it.
Jeez Luiz, with a magnetic ease,
he’s gonna release a masterpiece.
It’s The Bee’s Knees.
Ninja please, there’s no guarantees.
You gotta pick up the keys and seize
the opportunities.
Tell me that you want it.
Tell me that you need it.
Say it’s so good.
Say it like you mean it.
6 squared is 36, the 36th element is kryton, here are a few cinquains about the puzzle kryptos.
Only one knows
the answer, lots come close
though, to cracking this codesters rows
At most
Berlin clock shows
Sandborn wants us to boast
It’s solved cause the CIA hosts
In droves
People from coast
To coast flock to expose
The hidden secrets of his post
Indy is like independent as a music genre, this is probably my worst song. Playing it makes my brain tingle. Indium is also a brittle metal
I’m a metal
But I’m brittle
Cause my head’ll
Never settle
Call me Indy
I get bendy
When it’s windy
It’s so metal
It’s a battle
Grab a paddle
Sit your saddle
Hit the pedal
Never settle
I’m so Indy
When it’s windy
Pretty trendy
Cause I meddle
And I fiddle
And I piddle
And I muddle
Call the kettle
Never tattle
When you settle
Then your head’ll
Get so bendy
In the windy
In the endy.
Because I have such terrible selective hearing, this is one of my favorite songs to play, I mumble, I rap, I intentionally hit notes offkey, and it includes my worst nightmare, someone releasing all the dogs in a boarding facility, because I work in noise torture.
You think you’re a poet, oh
you know it! So annoying
rhyming and wasting the time,
where do you think it’s going?
That’s a desk not a pillow,
but all the words are flowing
nicely along crooked lines,
they’re both telling and showing.
Deja vu, I said ‘ditto’.
You’re clearly not enjoying
my creative passion, I’m
cracking up and slow boiling,
just want to light a rillo –
what’d I miss? Your eyes rolling,
“say that again, all I heard was gadget lemon.
Oh this is chemistry! You said gadolinium…”
All I hear is barking dogs
echoing inside my brain
drowning anything you say.
Write it down, I sound insane
making out your word chaos.
circling endlessly through space,
crackling nonsense takes the bait,
contorting my confused face.
Light bulbs on, an idea dawns
to break my cage in a rage,
set all these dogs free today
wreaking havoc, a rampage
timing spawns and silence calms,
but your mouth is moving, wait –
“Say that again, all I heard was gadget lemon,
Oh I just got home from work, you said God drinking again!”
Banging my head on the wall,
not even noticing it’s
me doing all the banging
taking and taking more hits.
Easily consumed by all
the badabadibadits
somata madi bading
The battles become a brawl
I’m airheaded as it gets
but i see what your saying,
now that my interests been lit.
How much longer will this all
be, I gotta take a shit!
Say that again all I heard was Gadget Lemon
Oh Beeblebrux thinking cap, that’s a gadget Lemon!
Thallium, I was thinking is not found freely in nature so here’s nature over running people. The loop pedal I use only stacks, you can’t erase a loop and preserve the rest, it cuts completely, so sometimes I use it minimally, sometimes I stack it endlessly, this song attempts to completely change the song in the middle by cutting. This album in hindsight is pretty weak. I thought the EP was neat because it was new and artsy but this second album doesn’t really say anything. Song titles from periodic elements, poems, some of the songs are good, but as a whole, I don’t know. It was my favorite album for a long time. Fun to play. Anyways kudos to all or any who have been keeping up
with over running vines and loose debris from decades of decay and redirecting energy sent, From the sun
and circling sky in-
habitants shift with the rains abandoning their hunger pains, another day to stay Is dyin’
though the final voyage? Hind sight’s just as blind as foresight. Calculating ancient storage, El Dorado’s, Even Troy’s
ruins had been unearthed, revealing nothing extraordinary. In context, tradition’s are scholar’s Opinions
sway, cultural lenders walk the streets, between the buildings. Leave their thoughts with broken pillars as they reach The alley’s end.

Fermium, element 100, 10^2, produced in nuclear reactions. With a call back to a previous song. Trying to tie everything together.
Experiment secretly
Hydrogen holds the key
The explosion will set it free
Find it in the debris
Fear, man
It’s why you’re here, man
War is all we see
Searching for energy
We don’t need to agree
Already dead to me
Tell me that you want it
Tell me that you need it
Say it’s so good
Say it like you mean it
Fear, man
It’s why you’re here, man
Okay I change my mind, this song ties the whole album together. I love it. My first villanelle, villanelemental. Starting the third (or 8th) album next week, thanks for listening!
Nature’s forces are fundamental.
Our heads in the sky, our feet on the ground.
Connections between elemental,
some soft or sweet sentimental,
Memories triggered by smell or sound.
The forces of nature, fundamental,
physics essential, transcendental,
infinite dimensions abound.
What connects us is elemental.
The toughest are work, real severe dental
without novacaine, filled drilled and crowned.
Natural force fundamental
to all living things, detrimental,
organized chaos, erratic and round.
Connecting us, the elemental,
the deep soul, the ornamental,
searching to find what’s already found.
Forces of nature are fundamental,
connections between elemental.